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NCDs prevention and Management

The Non-Communicable Diseases Program oversees prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and rehabilitation initiatives to alleviate the burden of NCDs in the community. Its goal is to safeguard Rwandans from morbidity and mortality associated with Non-Communicable Diseases by implementing integrated prevention and management strategies..

What we do:

Our NCDs Program collaborates closely with various governmental and non-governmental entities, institutions, and partners to identify and alleviate the impact of NCDs, focusing on their effective management within the Rwandan community. The program addresses the following diseases and conditions:

  • Hypertension
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Overweight and Obesity
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases and Cancer

Priority activities:

The program focuses on:

  • Raising community awareness about the prevention and early detection of Non-Communicable Diseases.
  • Conducting organized screening campaigns for the early detection of Non-Communicable Diseases in the community.
  • Developing innovative approaches for the prevention and management of Non-Communicable Diseases.
  • Delivering comprehensive education on prevention and management through nutrition interventions.
  • Promoting research and development in the field of Non-Communicable Diseases.

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